Marketing Guide Workbook

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  2. Marketing Workbook Pdf
  3. Marketing Plan Workbook
Marketing Guide Workbook

Your prospects are being buffeted by a firehose of information. If you’re hoping to win their attention, you’d better be prepared to earn it. Content Marketing is your way to cut through the noise and hop over the barriers. This short, sharp eBook summarises how we at Velocity approach it, including:. What Content Marketing and Thought Leadership are.

Marketing Workbook

Why you need to get good at them (and fast). Why you’re perfectly placed to do it really, really well. How to pick a topic prospects care about. How to go beyond the dry, stale white paper. What we think ‘good’ looks like — lots of examples This is our primer on content marketing. We’ve also done an awesome that’s a step-by-step, hands-on guide to creating your own content marketing strategy.

Marketing Workbook Pdf

But it is not an impassible challenge. The key is to stay focused. “More content is not what our prospects want, is it? What they want is to understand,” argues Michele Linn in a post on the Savvy B2B Marketing blog. “This may seem obvious, but in the fervor to create content, I think it is easy to lose sight of this.” The key also is to build content that is engaging and two-way.

Marketing Plan Workbook

“Traditional marketing talks at people. Content marketing talks with them,” explains Velocity Partners in The B2B Content Marketing Workbook.

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