Jarvis Health Assessment Study Guide Vascular

Jarvis Health Assessment Study Guide Vascular Average ratng: 3,9/5 5524 votes

Table of Contents:. Disc 1. Neurologic system: motor system and reflexes. Disc 2. Head, eyes and ears. Disc 3.

  1. Jarvis Health Assessment Study Guide Vascular Dementia

Nose, mouth, throat, and neck. Disc 4. Breasts and regional lymphatics. Disc 5. Thorax and lungs.

Disc 6. Cardiovascular system: heart and neck vessels. Disc 7. Cardiovascular system: peripheral vascular system and lymphatics. Disc 8.


Abdomen. Disc 9. Musculoskeletal system. Disc 10. Neurologic system: cranial nerves and sensory system.

Disc 11. Male genitalia, anus, rectum, and prostate.

Disc 12. Female genitalia, anus, and rectum. Disc 13. Head-to-toe examination of the pregnant woman. Disc 14. Head-to-toe examination of the neonate. Disc 15.

Jarvis Health Assessment Study Guide Vascular Dementia

Head-to-toe examination of the normal child. Disc 16. Head-to-toe examination of the normal adult. Disc 17. Head-to-toe examination of the older adult.

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